Riveted Joint: Introduction, Classification, Strength and Efficiency of Riveted Joint

Riveted Joint: Introduction, Classification, Strength and Efficiency of Riveted Joint Riveted Joint is a Permanent Joint? Mechanical joints are broadly classified into two classes, viz., Non-permanent joints and permanent joints. Non-permanent joints can be assembled and disassembled without damaging the components. Examples of such joints are threaded fasteners (like screw-joints), keys, couplings,…


Review of Basic Mechanical Properties of Engineering Materials

Basic Mechanical Properties of Engineering MaterialsIntroduction to Mechanical PropertiesMaterials are defined by their qualities. They could be hard, ductile, or hefty. Alternatively, they can be soft, fragile, or lightweight. Mechanical properties define how materials behave under external forces. They often refer to the elastic and plastic properties of a material. Material selection…


Machine Design/Drawing Notes PPT/PDF

This web page contains reading material related to Machine Design & Drawing Notes PPT/PDF Machine Design and Drawing lecture-1_Design Introduction [Click Here to Read In Web Format in Hindi and Other Indian Languages] Lecture-2.1a_Engineering Material - Ferrous Metals Lecture-2.1b_Engineering Material - Non Ferrous Lecture-2.1c_Engineering Material - Non Metals Lecture-2.2_Engineering Material Properties Lecture-3.1_Manufacturing…


Construction of Cycloidal Curves

Construction of Cycloidal Curves - Cycloid, Epicycloid and Hypocycloid/साइक्लोइडल कर्व्स का निर्माण - साइक्लोइड, एपिसाइक्लॉइड और हाइपोसाइक्लॉइड These curves are generated by a fixed point on the circumference of a circle, which rolls without slipping along a fixed straight line or a circle. The rolling circle is called generating circle and the…


Construction of Conic Section Curves

Conic sections are obtained by cutting off a right circular cone by section planes at varying angles relative to its axis. Conic sections include the circle, ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola. शंकु वर्गों को इसकी धुरी के सापेक्ष अलग -अलग कोणों पर अनुभाग विमानों द्वारा एक सही गोलाकार शंकु को काटकर प्राप्त किया जाता है। शंकु वर्गों में सर्कल, दीर्घवृत्त, परबोला और हाइपरबोला शामिल हैं।


Introduction to Engineering Drawing Instruments

Engineering Drawing Instruments are essential to engineering and building projects drawings. Drawing enhances inventiveness and fosters the creation of new inventions. Before construction, a thorough analysis of the structure can be done utilising drawings. There are some engineering sketching programmes that are more accurate. But there are still few places and little constructions where drawing on paper is employed. Various drawing instruments are used to create drawing on sheet or paper. This post gives details of the instruments used in engineering drawing.


ऑटोकैड की मूल बातें (AutoCAD Basics)

ऑटोकैड (AutoCAD) लॉन्च करने के बाद, एक नया ड्राइंग शुरू करने के लिए स्टार्ट ड्रॉइंग बटन पर क्लिक करें। नया (New) ड्रॉइंग, ड्रॉइंग1, एक नए टैब पर शुरू होता है जो ड्रॉइंग क्षेत्र के ठीक ऊपर होता है। आप कई खुली हुई ड्राइंग फ़ाइलों और स्टार्ट टैब के बीच स्विच करने के लिए टैब पर क्लिक कर सकते हैं।


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