Table of Contents
Dr. Vijay Kumar Karma
Assistant Professor (Reader)
Institute of Engineering and Technology, Devi Ahilya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Khandwa Road Indore – 452001 (INDIA)
Email: vkarma@ietdavv.edu.in
Education Qualifications
- PhD: 2023
- Specialization: Analysis of effects of profile Geometry on Transmission Error and Mesh Stiffness in Spur Gear (See Publications)
- ME in Production Engineering with specialization in Computer Integrated Manufacturing from S.G.S.I.T.S, Indore (2008) with 74.50%.
- BE in Mechanical Engineering from Government Engineering College Ujjain (2000) with 69.84%.
ME Thesis
Title: Computer Aided Design and Process Planning of Spur Gear Using Visual Basic 6.0 and M.S. Access.
Guide: Dr. Durgesh Joshi and Dr. Sunil K Somani
Courses(Subject Taught/Teaching )
- Dynamics of Machine
- Machine Design and Drawing
- Machine Design
- Engineering Drawing
- Strength of Materials
- Computer Aided Mechanism Design
- Robotics
- Advanced Mechanics of Solids
- Computer Aided Modeling and Simulation
Research Interest
- Machine Design
- Artificial Neural Networks
- Condition Monitoring
- Robotics
- Finite Element Analysis
- Assistant Professor (Reader), IET, DAVV (Since 30 December 2013)
- Senior Lecturer, IET, DAVV (11 October 2008 to 29 December 2013)
- Lecturer, IET, DAVV (24 September 2003 to 10 October 2008)
- Lecturer (On Contract), IET, DAVV (April 2002 to 23 September 2003)
- Graduate Engineer Trainee (Tool Design), Kinetic Motor Company Limited, Pithampur (January 2001 to January 2002)
International Journal
[IJ-1] Karma V. K., Maheshwari G., Somani S. K., “Analysis of Effects of Change of Gear Parameter Module on Transmission Error in Spur Gear using Interference Volume Method”, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1225 012036, 2022, DOI: doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1225/1/012036
[IJ-2] Karma V. K., Maheshwari G., Somani S. K., “Analysis of Effects of Number of Teeth and Pitch Error on Transmission Error in Spur Gear using Interference Volume Method”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2648, 020002 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0114106
[IJ-3] Karma, V.K., Maheshwari, G. (2022). Analysis of Effect of Pitch Error on Transmission Error and Mesh Stiffness in Spur Gear Using SciLab and Ansys Software. In: Geetha, K., Gonzalez-Longatt, F.M., Wee, HM. (eds) Recent Trends in Materials. Springer Proceedings in Materials, vol 18. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-5395-8_20
[IJ-4] Karma V. K., Maheshwari G., “Analysis of Effects of Gear Parameters on Transmission Error and Mesh Stiffness in Spur Gear of Stub Tooth Proportion using Ansys Software”, Science and Technology Journal (STJ), Mizoram University, ISSN: 2321-3388, DOI: https://doi.org/10.22232/stj.2022.10.02.03
[IJ-5] Karma V. K., Maheshwari G., “Computer Aided Modelling and Meshing of Spur Gear (Stub Teeth) in a CAD Software IDEAS”, ABHIYANTRIKI: An International Journal of Engineering & Technology 42 Volume 3, Number 4, April 2016 (42-47).
[IJ-6] Karma V. K., Maheshwari G., “Study of Improper Chamfering and Pitting Defects of Spur Gear Faults Using Frequency Domain Technique”, International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR), Volume 1, Issue 5, May 2016.
[IJ-7] Karma V. K., Maheshwari G., “Acoustic Signal Analysis of Spur Gear with Pitting Defect”, International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 4, Issue 03, 2016 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613.
[IJ-8] Seroke Daulat Ram, Karma V. K., 2015, “Analysis Of Crack Defect In Spur Gear On Strength Using Finite Element Analysis”, International Journal Of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 4(7): July, 2015.
[IJ-9] Seroke Daulat Ram, Karma V. K., 2015, “Analysis Of Spalling Defects In Spur Gear On Strength Using Finite Element Analysis”, International Journal Of Research Science & Management, 2(8): August, 2015.
[IJ-10] Seroke Daulat Ram, Karma V. K., 2015, “Analysis of Pitting Defect in Spur Gear on Strength using Finite Element Analysis”, International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 3, Issue 05, 2015 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613.
[IJ-11] Dwivedi Manoj Kumar, Karma V. K., “Comparative Analysis Of Healthy And Cracked Spur Gear Using Vibration Signal In Single Stage Gear Box”, International Journal Of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 4(7): July, 2015.
[IJ-12] Dwivedi Manoj Kumar, Karma V. K., “Analysis of flank and root crack in the spur gear using vibration signal technique for single stage gear box”, International Journal of Engineering Development and Research, Volume 3, Issue 3, 2015 ISSN: 2321-9939.
[IJ-13] Sharma Rishi Kumar, Karma V. K., “Analysis of Spur Gear Faults using Frequency Domain Technique”, International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 3(7): July, 2015.
[IJ-14] Nargawe Shweta, Karma V. K., “Analysis Of Multiple Pitting Defects On Spur Gear Using Acoustic Signals”, International Journal Of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 4(7): July, 2015.
[IJ-15] Gupta Ankit, Karma V. K., 2014, “Fault Analysis of Two Stage Gearbox Using Acoustic Emission Signal: Effect Of Spalling”, International Journal Of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 3(7): June, 2014.
[IJ-16] Shukla Shrikant, Karma V. K., “Fault Detection of Two Stage Spur Gearbox using Time Domain Technique: Effect of Tooth Breakage and Improper Chamfering”, International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 1 Issue 4, June 2014.
[IJ-17] Karma V. K., Borade H., 2013, “Fault Diagnosis of Single Stage Spur Gearbox using Narrow Band Demodulation Technique: Effect of Spalling”, International Journal of Research in Engineering & Technology (IMPACT: IJRET), Vol. 1, Issue 3, Aug 2013, pp 11-16
[IJ-18] Karma V. K., Borade H., 2013, “Fault Diagnosis of Single Stage Spur Gear Box Using Demodulation Technique: Effect of Pitting”, Paripex – Indian Journal of Research, Vol. 2, Issue 8, Aug 2013, ISSN No 2250 – 1991, pp 98-100.
[IJ-19] Karma V. K., Panchity A., 2013, “Investigating the Condition of Gear Chips Being Dragged in a Single Stage Spur Gear Mesh”, Global Research Analysis, Vol. 2, Issue 8, Aug 2013, ISSN No 2277 – 8160, pp 61-62.
[IJ-20] Karma V. K., Panchity A., 2013, Wear Debris Analysis of Case Carburized & Mild Steel Debris in Single Stage Spur Gear Box”, Paripex – Indian Journal of Research, Vol. 2, Issue 8, Aug 2013, ISSN No 2250 – 1991, pp 114-116.
[IJ-21] Karma V. K., Laad M. K., 2013, “Effect of Spalling and Pitting Defect on Vibration Signature of Single Stage Spur Gear Box”, Global Research Analysis, Vol. 2, Issue 8, Aug 2013, ISSN No 2277 – 8160, pp 58-60.
[IJ-22] Karma V. K., Laad M. K., 2013, “Effect of Full Tooth Breakage and Improper Chamfer Defect on Vibration Signature of Single Stage Spur Gear Box” ”, Paripex – Indian Journal of Research, Vol. 2, Issue 8, Aug 2013, ISSN No 2250 – 1991, pp 111-113.
[IJ-23] Karma V. K., Soni R. K., 2013, “Investigation of Spin Power Losses in Single Stage Spur Gear System Using Matlab”, Global Research Analysis, Vol. 2, Issue 8, Aug 2013, ISSN No 2277 – 8160, pp 55-57.
[IJ-24] Karma V. K., Soni R. K., 2013, “Comparison between Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Power Losses of Single Stage Spur Gear System”, Paripex – Indian Journal of Research, Vol. 2, Issue 8, Aug 2013, ISSN No 2250 – 1991, pp 107-110.
[IJ-25] Joshi, A., Karma, V., 2011, “Effect on Strength of Involute Spur Gear by Changing the Fillet Radius using FEA”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Vol. 2, Issue 9, September-2011, ISSN 2229-5518.
International Conference
[IC-1] Barve, J. Joshi, D., Somani, S. K., Karma, V., Gupta, E., 2010, “Computer-Aided Design and Process Planning of Helical Gears”, International Conference On Recent Advances In Mechanical Engineering (ICRAME – 2010)”, NI University, Kumaracoil, Nagercoil, Tamilnadu, INDIA, April 8 – 9, 2010.
[IC-2] Karma, V., Joshi D., Somani S.K., 2008, “Computer Aided System for Design of Spur Gear,” Proceedings of 15th ISME International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, RGTU, Bhopal, India, March 18-20, 2008, pp 103(1-6).
[IC-3] Karma, V., Joshi D., Somani S.K., 2007, “Computer Aided Process Planning System for Spur Gear,” Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering, ICRTME, UEC, Ujjain, India, October 4-6, 2007, pp IP196-200.
National Conference
[NC-1] Gupta, E., Karma V.K., Joshi D., Somani S.K., 2009, “Design Automation for Spur Gear,” Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, Swami Vivekanand College of Engineering, Indore, March 27-28, 2009, pp 167-170(1-5).
[NC-2] Somani, S. K., Karma V.K., 2004, “Emerging Rapid Prototyping Techniques: An Overview”, Proceedings of National Conference on Advances in CAD/CAM/CAE, Jabalpur, February 20-21, 2004, pp 21(1-6).
[NC-3] Somani, S. K., Karma V.K., 2004, “Drafting and Manufacturing of Cam Profile using CAD/CAM Tools”, Proceedings of National Conference on Advances in CAD/CAM/CAE, Jabalpur, February 20-21, 2004, pp 27(1-4).
[NC-4] Somani S. K., Karma, V.K., Manepatil S., 2004, “Transmission Error in Spur Gears: Effect of Pitch Error with Change in Number of Teeth”, Proceedings of National Conference on Advances in CAD/CAM/CAE, Jabalpur, February 20-21, 2004, pp 17.
[NC-5] Somani, S.K., Karma V.K., Manepatil S., Khandwawala A.I., 2003, “Reverse Engineering: The Design with CAD/CAM/CAE Tools,” Proceedings of 13th National Conference of ISME, IIT Roorkee, December 30-31, 2003, pp PE-40:75-76(1-7).
[NC-6] Somani, S.K., Karma V.K., Manepatil S., Khandwawala A. I., 2003, “Transmission Error in Spur Gear: Effect of Single Tooth Pitch Error,” Proceedings of 13th National Conference of ISME, IIT Roorkee, December 30-31, 2003, pp MD-035(1-7).
[NC-7] Somani, S.K., Chaudhary S., Karma V., 2003, “Computer Simulation as Teaching Aid (A Case of Mechanism Study),” Proceedings of Technologia-2003, Raipur, March 29-30, 2003, pp 9(1-12). The paper was awarded as BEST PAPER (First Prize) in Professional Category.